The series of premium advertising bags is definitely an uncompromising product. In the production process of our Exclusive bags we use the best materials available on the market, so that the final product not only pleases the eye and is functional, but also has an exceptional durability.
The Exclusive series is our leading, constantly updated and improved design. This is the most frequently chosen model. A product which we are proud to offer not only on the domestic market but also on other European markets. Perfect workmanship as well as very high quality of service systematically allow us to gain the recognition of a wide range of customers. Customer satisfaction and happiness is our top priority.
Choosing Duet, a manufacturer of paper bags and pouches, is a guarantee of receiving a high quality product, which will be the company’s showpiece at trade fairs, conferences or business meetings.
P.P.H.U "Duet" Piotr Bęben
Przemysłowa street 3B
38-457 Szczepańcowa
tel. + 48 13 42 420 02
mobile. +48 600 886 304
mobile2. +48 734 427 760